Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Shakuntla Nursing Home & Hospital :: Health and Wellness Workshops

Quality of Worklife offers health promotion and wellness workshops on a variety of topics each semester. Classes are free of charge, and are typically held on campus during lunchtime (feel free to bring your lunch with you).

"Health and Wellness Workshops" is an educational program sponsored by the Student Health Service in cooperation with several SFSU faculty from various departments. Through the program, students receive incentives such as extra credit for attending one or more health education workshops.

Health & Wellness workshops and seminars can help your employees proactively manage a wide variety of issues – from insomnia to obesity. Improve your bottom line by putting your employees in charge of their health and well¬being. A specified number of training hours are included with our standard EAP solutions. Individual titles or bundles of hours can also be purchased. Titles include:

General Health
Optimal Health for Men
Optimal Health for Women
Children's Health
Staying Healthy During Flu Season
Readiness for Healthy Change
Improving Longevity and Quality of Life

Weight Management
Helping Your Teen Achieve a Healthy Weight
Weight Management
Helping Your Child Lose Weight

Fitness and Exercise
Sit and Fit
Walking for Health and Longevity
Fitness and Your Brain: Avoiding Dementia

Other Examples...

Smoking Cessation
Heart Health
Coping with Depression
Postpartum Depression
Workplace Ergonomics
Shift Work and Stress

Shakuntla Hospital provide Maternity HospitalX-Ray Service HospitalUltra Sound HospitalMaternity Nursing HomeWomen's HealthMedical TreatmentHealthcare HospitalStone RemovalUrological SolutionSpecialist DoctorsPreventive Health Checkups Services Stone removalX-ray service hospitalWomen's healthMedical treatment &Urological solution.

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  1. Through the program, students receive incentives such as extra credit for attending one or more health education workshops. Lpg Gas Pipeline Contractor Delhi
