Sunday, 24 June 2012

Shakuntla Hospital :: Patient Zone

Dear Patients,
We are in plan to start a complete Interaction - Module for our patients, absolutely Free. In this section, we provide you Free Online Consultancy about common health - issues. You can be able to chat with Medical Experts in their own dimensions.

For instant, you can receive our 'News-Letter directly at your Email ID, please fill the form to receive important Medical Bulletins:

Shakuntla Nursing Home & Hospial 

Shakuntla Hospital provide Maternity HospitalX-Ray Service HospitalUltra Sound HospitalMaternity Nursing HomeWomen's HealthMedical TreatmentHealthcare HospitalStone RemovalUrological SolutionSpecialist DoctorsPreventive Health Checkups Services Stone removalX-ray service hospitalWomen's healthMedical treatment &Urological solution.

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1 comment:

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